submission for fuck capitalism 2024 game jam. its my first time using decker and i had a great time! made in about three days, working on getting alternative text

List of links for the entire deck can be found here.

Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
Tagsdecker, HyperCard, Singleplayer


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This was incredibly powerful. Thank you

thank you for playing and commenting!

This was excellent and I really enjoyed reading through it all! A lot of the resources you linked to were ones I was totally unfamiliar with, and I really appreciated coming across them. Thanks for adding the page with links for easy reference!

im glad to hear that there were a few new things in there, thank you for playing and commenting!

We need to get all the recalcitrant groups together and get on the same page about this stuff, and how we can respond to the problems productively.

A lot of the 'fuck capitalism'-ers seem to have values with a lot of overlap with the anti-rulership crowd. But the people who are urging revolution to liberate humanity from the terrorists that rule us never have a single thing to say about capitalism, and the people urging revolution to end capitalism never have anything to say about humanity's emancipation from the rulership.

There is definitely some crippling loss of communication happening and I bet if we could just get past that wall to meet each other half-way, we'd find ourselves over the top to initiate a global revolution, purge the parasites, liberate humanity from rulership totally and permanently, and make classism and capitalism nothing but a good lesson and a bad memory.

I don't know how to bring everyone together like that. I'm open to suggestions. Thanks for making your game and participating in the jam!

definitely agree, if we could meet close enough to even brush fingertips, i truly believe that we could get some world shaking things done.  

now, to be fair, i don't know all the groups that are already doing this work on levels i just can't see yet (the whole, "think global, work local" part where in pockets of the country they are doing LOTS of work but, like you said, the loss of communication really keeps us from knowing how people are already doing so much and how we can link up and join in the work).

i don't know how to bring everyone together either, but the things im seeing in movements re: congo, sudan, palestine and Stop Cop City + looking back at how people organized without the internet/knowing they were being tracked/etc. makes me hopeful we can figure it out.

thank you for playing and responding, really appreciate it!

I think things like your game are a great thing to do. The world got this way by all the wrong people controlling the conversation.  They don't want YOU to have an equal voice. What information can be shared online without getting yourself and humanity's champions black-bagged is next to nil, but we can make statements publicly that calls them out. The best use of art is to expose bad government and shame rulership. This is the work that I have decided to dedicate my life to.

I have not gone through the whole game but, awesome work! I can't wait to see your future stuff!

thank you so much!!